
Hi there, I'm Suprith - aka Heavy 👋

I'm a Freelancer, Developer🧑🏻‍💻, and AppleFanboy!!
I do Frontend Devlopment, Salesforce Admin, Salesforce Devlopment

Check out how can i help you

- ⚡ Fun fact: I Sleep🛌 a lot.


I am a Frontend Developer. I can built you a website for your business to go online, A portfolio website to showcase all your skills and services. I can also help in maintaing and upgrading your existing website,blog etc.

I am also into Salesforce Development with 1+ years of experience. I can help in setting up your salesforce org with all the OOTB features, Lightning Platform App Development, Custom Code solutions for specific needs, Dataload and cleanup with dataloader cli, and all the admin Related tasks.

A firm adherent of the Right to Repair movement. I can help you in fixing your MACs, Laptops, CPUs, already helped many in getting their laptops up and running. I also love to fix iphones given the spares are availabe.


Many projects and details are on your way. Hang Tight!